I was slow to welcome the Amazon Alexa Echo Dot app into my home.
My sister has been using it since the original Echo release. My mom followed suit shortly after, and uses it so much that we recently gifted her its music service.
Yet, it wasn’t until my mom gifted my family with an Echo Dot® — and we spent time playing around with her generous gift — that I discovered how this compact voice-controlled device could actually help improve my life.
7 Ways to Use Alexa Echo Dot App for Mindfulness
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The Alexa Echo Dot app contains a plethora skills — or third party voice apps — that enhance the device’s capabilities.
After going through some of the most popular mainstream skills, I began to poke around to see if I could use the Alexa Echo Dot app to enhance my life in more meaningful ways.
I discovered some gems, and you’ll find them in the list below.
Please note: Most of these skills require that you manually enable them first in your account or via the AmazonAlexa Echo Dot app on your mobile device.
1. Start Your Day with an Affirmation
The Good Morning, Beautiful skill offers up a new positive statement each day. All you have to do is say, “Alexa, good morning!” and she’ll respond with a positive affirmation like, “You are an amazing person and deserve to be happy.”
2. 60-Second Meditations Made Easy
The 1 Minute Mindfulness skill makes it easy to fit in a quick, one-minute meditation any time of the day, accompanied by your choice of ambient sounds. All you have to say is, “Alexa, open 1-Minute Mindfulness” and then follow her prompts.
3. Reminders of Love, Kindness and Helping Others
The Daily Kindness skill offers suggestions for simple ways to bring more kindness into the world… like volunteering for local charity, smiling at a parent who’s struggling with an unruly child in public, or creating traditions to share with others. All you have to do is say, “Alexa, open Daily Kindness.”
4. A Laugh is Just a Voice Command Away
The Make Me Smile skill can help bring positivity into your life and put a smile on your face on days when nothing seems to be going right. The skill offers random songs, limericks, jokes etc. just by saying “Alexa, make me smile.” I’ve found most of the jokes to be quite corny, but that’s also why they make me smile!
5. Your Personal Support System
The Talk Me Down skill offers messages of support that are meant to lift us up when we are facing obstacles. When you’re having a bad day, or a moment of weakness, simply say “Alexa, talk me down” to hear her say something like “Challenges don’t build character, they reveal it. What do you wish to reveal about yourself today?”
6. Motivation on Lazy Days
The Get Me Up skill is meant to inspire us on days when the motivation or drive just isn’t there. Simply say “Alexa, get me up.” She will try to convince you to be more productive with your day by saying something like “You really need to get up. You’ll feel much better when you accomplishment something.” This is a fun skill that can be a gentle reminder of how much we can accomplishment each day, if only we try.
7. Music Heals
Last but not least, the Echo Dot keeps a library of music at my fingertips. Commands like, “Alexa, play some relaxing music” will find a relevant station of calm tunes when I need it. Or happy, uplifting music. Whatever tunes my spirit needs, Alexa can find it — especially with the expansive libraries that are part of Prime membership, or Amazon Music Unlimited. These services are well worth the investment if music heals your soul as much as it does mine. Some of my favorite meditative tunes are included free in these services.
Have you tried any of these skills on the Alexa Echo Dot app? Which is your favorite? Do you use a skill not listed here for mindfulness? I’d love to hear from you in the comments, or chat me up on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Amazon, Alexa and Echo Dot are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.
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