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When I decided to use crystals and gemstones in my daily life, the first book I purchased was Judy Hall’s The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals
And it has been such a valuable resource on my magickal bookshelf. In fact, it’s rarely on my bookshelf because I use it so much!
I love the way The Crystal Bible is put together; it has several reference sections, background information, a glossary and index in addition to the comprehensive crystal directory which makes up the bulk of the book.
In the beginning
The book begins with a crystal reference section, or an alphabetical listing of all the crystals (more than 200!) appearing in the bible along with corresponding page numbers. Super handy when you want to find information quickly on a stone!
Before reaching the directory part of the book, there are a few brief informational sections:
- Crystal Delights – which is basically a short introduction
- Crystal Formation – an overview of how crystals are created by the earth
- Crystal Decoration – the use of crystals in jewelry and as decorative objects
- Crystal Healing – how crystals can help with common ailments
- Crystal Selection and Care – how to cleanse and program your crystals
- Crystal Meditation – an example of a simple mediation exercise using crystals
As someone who is newish to crystal magick, I found these sections incredibly helpful. They broadened my knowledge of alternative ways to use my crystals.
In the middle
The bulk of the book is the crystal directory, an alphabetical collection of stones and information.
For each crystal, Hall lists:
- its name
- several images–usually showing both the raw and tumbled versions
- a quick reference chart detailing color, appearance, rarity and source
- attributes the stone is known for
- healing properties (including those of any color variations)
- and where to position the crystal on your body for maximum healing benefit
At the end
The last part of The Crystal Bible covers information on crystal shapes as well as how crystals relate to the zodiac, chakras, aura and divinatory meanings. Hall also includes a brief tutorial on making a gem elixir and crystal grids. The book closes with a glossary, index and bibliography.
As I mentioned earlier, I love all these extra informational sections because it whets your appetite for more if you are new to crystals. And if you’re not, it’s handy to have this basic info at your fingertips while looking up your favorite crystals.
My favorite things
There are three things I love about The Crystal Bible:
- It’s size. It measures 5.5″ by 6.5″ so it’s quite compact and easy to carry or possibly even toss into a purse (if you have a gigantic beast of a purse that doubles as a diaper bag like I do!) or suitcase for travel.
- The colorful gem images. I love swooning over pretty stones I have yet to add to my collection, and Hall’s book is full of vivid images!
- The little extras. For instance, when Hall talks about placing citrine in the wealth corner of your home or business, she includes a little diagram so there’s no question about placement. Or the additional images and information she includes when a stone has many color variations (remember, I like to swoon!).
And the Meh
Even though The Crystal Bible describes itself as the definitive guide, it clearly isn’t. There are many stones not included in this book. Hall has two other books in this series — The Crystal Bible 2 and The Crystal Bible 3
— so as the “Crystal Bible brand” the books collectively could be a comprehensive resource. But if you are looking for one book to be your be-all end-all crystal resource, you’ll have to keep looking.
Do you own The Crystal Bible?
If you own The Crystal Bible, what are your likes and dislikes about it? I’d love to hear your opinion! If you don’t own this fantastic resource, you can purchase it right now on for nearly 40 percent off the list price!
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