One of my favorite quotes is a simple one that’s attributed to Mary Wollstonecraft: The beginning is always today.
Every morning when we wake, I believe we have a blank slate. It is up to each of us to be intentional in making that day ours via our intentions, actions, words, thoughts, etc.
I also feel this way about the new moon. It’s a magical time for new beginnings!An occasion to set intentions for your highest good in the coming month.
I’ve already shared my process for writing new moon wishes. Today I’d like to share with you some of the tools I use during my new moon ritual.
My New Moon Ritual Tools and How I Use Them
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My Tools:
- New moon candle
- Labradorite sphere
- Black moonstone
- Eclipse stone
- Manifestation oil
- Wishing oil
- New Moon Wishes list
(Even though it’s not a tool I use during ritual, I hope you’ll read my blog post about the Deluxe Moon app, which is a cool tool for tracking the moon’s cycles any time of the year!)
New moon candle
I use the Sage Goddess new moon jar candle in my ritual. Dark in color, just like the moon, this candle is scented with Sage Goddess’ Dark Moon and Summon perfume oils, and it smells fan-tas-tic! I adore this candle so much. It sets the mood for me, and helps me meditate on the intentions I am setting for the month. I like to use it the day before, the day of and the day after the new moon. New Moon beeswax candles are available too if you don’t like jar candles.
One of my favorite stones, labradorite is well known as a dark moon stone for working on new beginnings, transformation and creativity. I love holding the sphere in my hand during meditation. It soothes me and helps me focus on my intentions. This sphere has a prominent place atop my sacred space the rest of the month, where its brilliant flash can catch my eye and be a reminder of the intentions I’ve set for myself.
Black moonstone
Black moonstone is another dark moon crystal for birthing new beginnings. I work with two different stones — a heart and a tumbled piece. I’ll often carry the tumbled stone in my pocket leading up to the new moon, because it’s a great size for that. The heart is a little larger and flatter, more like a palm stone so I’ll hold it in my hand during meditation or rest it on parts of my body.
Eclipse stone
Otherwise known as silver feldspar, eclipse stone helps to reveal what is hidden from you. I love working with this one during the new moon. I feel like it helps me to see things — ideas, creative avenues, opportunities, etc. — in ways I might not have otherwise. Sometimes I use this stone along with Sage Goddess Unearthed perfume.
Manifestation oil
This perfume was one of my first oil buys from Sage Goddess, and it’s still one of my favorites. Uncap the bottle and the power of this potion makes itself known. Frankincense and sandalwood are two of the main notes in this scent. I like to anoint myself and my stones the day before, the day of and the day after the new moon. The day of, I anoint myself and my stones when I settle down for my new moon ritual to meditate, set my intentions and write my new moon wishes.
Wishing oil
If I could have only one perfume in my collection, it would be this one. Desidera is a wishing blend. It’s pricey, but so worth it to me because it’s pure magic. I wear it often as a perfume because I feel like a goddess when I do. But, Desidera is especially powerful to me during my new moon ritual. As with the manifestation oil, I like to anoint myself and my stones with Desidera the day before, the day of and the day after the new moon.
New moon wishes list
Writing down your intentions and dreams is a well-known way to help them manifest in your life. And the only tools you need is a pen and paper! I blogged about my new moon wishes process here, but usually I write down my wishes after I meditate — just in case any intentions come to me during meditation! Then I write them down, anoint the list with both the manifestation and wishing oil and set the list aside in a safe place. Often, I fold the list and set it under my new moon jar candle and crystals on my sacred space. That way, it’s there for me to see — a gentle reminder of my intentions — each time I walk by.
I created a set of new moon wishes printables for my email subscribers. If you’re not a subscriber yet, you may sign up below!
I purchase most of my personal tools online from Sage Goddess, a shop I’ve patronized for more than a year now. I never worry about the quality or integrity of the items I purchase from Athena, and her customer service is out of the world, too!
I’m also a fan of patronizing my local metaphysical shops for crystals and other tools. If you’re ever in Michigan, plan a visit to Earth Lore in Plymouth, Mich. and Crystal Treasures in Pontiac, Mich.
May your new moon magic manifest abundantly!
What tools do you use during your new moon ritual? Please let me know in the comments, or join the discussion on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
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Love your blog Willow! Can’t wait to keep coming back in the future :)