Green is not usually my color, but the peridot necklace I made the other day has me warming up to its olive hue.
As a healing crystal, peridot is a powerful protecter and purifier. This heart chakra stone can inspire us to release toxic thoughts and patterns in our life.
I decided to work with this stone because of its ability to help release baggage we accumulate.
You know, emotional and psychological baggage — guilt, shame, resentment and other burdens we hang on to.
How often do you torture yourself by playing a toxic scenario over and over and over again in your head?
I do it all the time… even though I know it doesn’t do me any good.
So… why do I do that to myself?
I’m determined to change my negative thought patterns this year, so I’ve recruited some amazing gems from my crystal collection.
I’ve had peridot chip stones laying around in my creative stash for awhile now. I never felt inspired to work with them until now. Everything comes to us at the right time, yes?
I’ve been wearing my peridot necklace every day as a reminder of all the junk that I need to let go.
Could you benefit from working with peridot too?
Below, I explain easy steps for creating your own necklace.
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DIY Peridot Necklace
Determine the size of your gemstone chips and accessories
I love the quality of stones from Sage Goddess. Amazon has a selection of peridot chip stones as well. Depending on where you get your stones from, the size can vary. If you cannot determine the size of chips when ordering, I’d recommend waiting until you have the stones in hand before purchasing a bottle pendant. You want to make sure your chips will fit into the opening of the pendant.
The peridot chip stones I used for my necklace were actually extremely small beads. And they easily fit into the bottle pendant I bought at a Michaels store. (I purchased my pendant ages ago and unfortunately can’t seem to find the exact style online).
Fill the bottle with chip stones
My bottle pendant has a cap that easily screws off along with a decent size opening at the top of the bottle.
Because chip stones can be so small, using a mini funnel (or a piece of paper rolled into a funnel) may come in handy in assisting the stones into the bottle. Believe me, cleaning up such tiny crystals from the floor is not an easy task!
Once all your chip stones are in the bottle, replace the cap firmly.
Determine the length of your necklace
When I’m working with cording, I like to keep it simple. I chose 2mm black nylon cord for my necklace, but you may wish to use a different material or size depending on your pendant.
I measure out enough cording so that I can easily tie it off and still slip the necklace over my head. You may wish to do the same or wear a piece like this a little bit longer. I think the bottle pendants are lovely on a longer chain that flirts with a woman’s curves.
Once you determine the length of cord, thread it through the bottle top and tie a knot to close the cord. I like to keep my knots simple since they usually are buried under my hair and don’t show anyway.
Wear your stunning new peridot necklace!
I love wearing any type of gemstone jewelry, because it acts as a daily reminder of the intentions I’ve set. Any time I glance a bracelet on my wrist, or feel the peridot necklace move around my neck, I remember what I’m trying to accomplish. And in this case, I’m working to release emotional baggage I’ve been carrying around for far too long.
Do you wear peridot jewelry? Or have you worked with this stone in a different way? I’d love to hear about it in the comments, or chat me up on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
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